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breadcrumbs: Board of Education: breadcrumbs: Minutes: breadcrumbs: February


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Board Minutes

Clarksburg C-II School
Board of Education
Minutes of
Regular Meeting
February20, 2013
7:30 p.m

7:30 Establishment of Quorum
Call to Order—meeting was called to order by President John Arnold.
Members present- Jon Arnold, Brandon Klein, Justin Martin, Robert Potter, Gale
Hodges, and Jo Cox
Members not present—Tawnya Clause
Also present—Julie King and Wendy Brock

Approve Agenda—Justin Martin made a motion to approve the agenda. Second was made by Jo Cox. Motion carried 6-0.

Consent Agenda—After discussion, Robert Potter made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Second was made by Jo Cox. Motion carried 6-0.

Comment from Public and Patrons—Mrs. King presented on behalf of the teachers. She presented information about the Pam Jones Tournament, the abacus projects that were done by the sixth grade class, and the covered wagon projects completed by the 8th grade. She also reported on the valentine’s parties, the pep assembly and roller skating that would be taking place soon. Additionally she reported on the teachers working on rewriting curriculum to align with the common core standards.

Old Business-Recommended polies revisions were presented for the second reading and adoption. Robert Potter made a motion with a second by Gale Hodges to adopt the following polices; BBBB, DLB, EBBA, ECG, FEF, GBCC, GCBDA, GDBDA, EGBE, IGBE, IGC, IGCE, IND, JCB, JECC,    JG-R, JHCD, JHCF, JO. Motion carried 6-0.

New Business
a. Mrs. Brock has proposed replacing the computers in the current 7th grade classroom. Money has been transferred in the title funds to allow this to happen. The computers will be compatible with the current portable laptop lab. With the addition of these computers this will allow access of all students both portable labs. After discussion, a motion was made by Jo Cox with a second by Justin Martin to replace the current computers in the 7th grade classroom with a portable laptop lab, not to exceed the $10,000 set aside for the project. Second was made by Justin Martin. Motion carried 6-0.

b. Resignation- Mrs. Brock presented her resignation to the board. Brandon Klein made a motion to accept the resignation. Second was made by Robert Potter. Motion carried 6-0.

Superintendents Report- Mrs. Brock reported that the library still was having some issues with leaks. Septagon come to check out the situation. They also called the window company to look at the situation. They are thinking at least one of the windows may need to be replaced and other may need to be resealed.  Attendance information was also presented.

Executive Session was entered at 8:30.

Returned to open session at 9:33. Brandon Klein made a motion to adjourn. Gale Hodges seconded. Motion carried 6-0.


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