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breadcrumbs: Board of Education: breadcrumbs: Minutes: breadcrumbs: November


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Nov. Minutes

Clarksburg C-II School
Board of Education
Regular Meeting
Open Session Minutes
November 16, 2011
7:30 p.m

7:30 Establishment of Quorum
Members present: John Arnold, Robert Potter, Brandon Klein, Gale Hodges, Jo Cox, Matt Sutton and Justin Martin.
Also present: Kim Labuary, Marilyn Bolinger, Diana Potter, and Wendy Brock

Call to Order- The meeting was called to order by President John Arnold at 7:30.

Approve Agenda—Justin Martin made a motion to approve the agenda. A second was made by Robert Potter. Motion carried 7-0.

Consent Agenda---After discussion Brandon Klein made a motion with a second by Jo Cox to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried 7-0.

Comment from Public and Patrons—Mrs. Bolinger reported on activities going on within the school, Veterans Breakfast, Charlie Branch Memorial Tournament, Spirit Week, American Education Week, and Pep Assembly.   Also reported was the early out for professional development.

Old Business—After further research on web site host, Mrs. Brock has contracted with SOCS as our Internet host.

New Business

Program Evaluation

    Special Education- Ms. Potter presented the special education program for review and evaluation. Ms. Potter presented information on how many students were currently enrolled in special education, and presented MAP results from previous years. After review of information a motion was made by Jo Cox with a second by Gale Hodges to approve the special education program evaluation.

Candidate Filing-

    Filing for school board candidates will begin Dec. 13. We have two members whose terms will be complete; Brandon Klein and Matt Sutton.

Christmas Dinner

    Plans for Christmas Dinner were discussed. After discussion it was decided to host the dinner here again. The available dates will be put out the staff and Lutz’s contacted.

Post Office

    Mrs. Brock reported she had been contacted to write a letter, on behalf of the board, in support of the Clarksburg Post Office staying open. After discussion the board members felt that if letters were to be written it should be done as individuals not as a board. Therefore not action was taken.

Superintendents Report

    Mrs. Brock reported that the audit will be complete by the Dec. board meeting. She also reported that attendance was down a little this month with a 91.4% attendance rate.

Closed session was entered at 8:18.

Returned to Open session at 8:47. Motion was made by Brandon Klein with a second by Jo Cox to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.


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