September Minutes
Clarksburg C-II School
Board of Education
Regular Meeting
Sept. 21, 2011
7:30 p.m.
7:30 Establishment of Quorum
Members Present: Matt Sutton, Jo Cox, Brandon Klein, Gale Hodges, Matt Sutton, and Robert Potter (arrived at 7:35)
Members Not Present: John Arnold
Also Present: Wendy Brock, Mrs. Allison, and Ms. Potter
Approve Agenda- Motion was made by Brandon Klein with a second by Matt Sutton to approve agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
Consent Agenda – Consent agenda was discussed. Mrs. Brock pointed out the purchase of a steam table to replace the one that went bad. Motion was made by Gale Hodges with a second by Jo Cox to approve consent agenda. Motion carried 6-0.
Comment from Public and Patrons- Mrs. Allison reported on the before school training which included CPR and Smarter Adults Safer Student. She also reported of the pictures purchased and placed in the school in memory of Pat Toler by the class of 1952. Student Council Elections were held. Promethean board has been installed in Mrs. Hartman’s room. CSIA has been working on the flower beds around the school with more work planned. Totem poles made by the students are on display in the hall show case.
Old Business- No old business at this time.
New Business
Approval of ASBR-
ASBR was discussed. We ended the school year with more than expected. Received more Federal and local revenue than expected. Also the selling of the bus, and budgeted expenses not being needed. Motion was made by Robert Potter with a second by Brandon Klein to approve the ASBR. Motion carried 6-0.
Cafeteria Equipment
Discussion was held surrounding the need to replace the milk cooler. A motion was made by Brandon Klein with a second by Matt Sutton to replace the milk cooler with Mrs. Brock continuing to look for a better price than the $1800 currently found. Motion carried 6-0.
Update Substitute List – was presented for approval. Motion was made by Robert Potter with a second by Brandon Klein to approve the list as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
Buy Board
The BuyBoard program was presented to the board. After discussion of the benefits of the program, a motion was made by Jo Cox with a second by Matt Sutton to join BuyBoard. Motion carried 6-0.
Superintendents Report-
Mrs. Brock presented the board with a current enrollment by grade level, including with it the students transferring in and out of the district. Discussion was also had concerning the bushes and flower bed and if there was any objection to removing some of the bushes and replacing. Audit has been completed with very few concerns by the auditors. Additionally a grant, written for the purchase of an AED unit was discussed. This is a grant through MFA Oil which would cover the purchase of the unit, the additional pediatric pads and a cabinet to store the unit. There would be no upfront cost to the school, however once purchased it would fall on the school to maintain.
Executive Session- 8:25 Motion was made by Robert Potter with a second by Matt Sutton to move to executive session. Motion carried 6-0.
Returned to Open Session at 8:45.
Motion was made by Brandon Klein with a second by Jo Cox to accept the resignation of Julie King from her extra duty contract of after school tutoring. Motion carried 6-0.
Motion was made by Robert Potter with a second by Gale Hodges to offer Holly Ehlers the extra duty contract of after school tutoring. Motion carried 6-0.
Adjourn- 8:50 Motion was made by Matt Sutton with a second by Brandon Klein to adjourn. Motion carried 6-0.