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June Minutes

Clarksburg C-II School
Board of Education
Regular Meeting
June 20, 2012
7:30 p.m

7:30  Establishment of Quorum

Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 8:30 by President John Arnold. 

Members Present: John Arnold, Brandon Klein, Robert Potter, and Jo Cox.
Members Not Present: Justin Martin, Gale Hodges, and Tawnya Pace.
Also present: Wendy Brock

Approve Agenda—two additional items were added to the agenda: teachers evaluation, and updated of board policy EHB.
Motion was made by Brandon Klein with a second by Robert Potter to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0.

Consent Agenda was reviewed. Jo Cox made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Second was made by Brandon Klein. Motion carried 4-0.

Comment from Public and Patrons—no public or patrons attended.

Old Business
Update on the library and kitchen addition was given by Mrs. Brock. Septagon is working with Midwest Block to fix the issues with the soft mortar in the new building. At this time no solution has been given to erratic the problem.

New Business
Transfer from General to Capital Projects—Robert Potter made a motion to transfer $100,000 from General to Capital Projects fund. Second was made by Brandon Klein. Motion carried 4-0.

Amend 2011-2012 budget to actual—Robert Potter made a motion to amend budget to actual. Second was made by Jo Cox. Motion carried 4-0.

Budget 2012-2013—Mrs. Brock presented a preliminary budget for the 12-13 school years.  The budget include a 91% proration from the State, and a 4 ½ % cut in special education and title funds. Motion was made by Robert Potter to approve the budget as presented. Second was made by Brandon Klein. Motion carried 4-0.

Technology Plan—was presented by Mrs. Brock. After brief discussion a motion was made by Brandon Klein with a second by Jo Cox to approve the tech. plan. Motion carried 4-0.
Policy EHB—The board has previously adopted this policy. However, MSBA presented a new policy with a few word revisions. Robert Potter made a motion with a second by Brandon Klein to approve the amended policy. Motion carried 4-0.

Teacher Evaluation—the state is currently looking for school to pilot a program of teacher evaluations. Mrs. Brock recommends we join the pilot program. Brandon Klein made a motion to pilot the teacher evaluation program offered by the state. Second was made by Jo Cox. Motion carried 4-0.

Superintendents Report
Mrs. Brock reported that Tawnya Clause has signed her contract for the 12-13 year.
Mrs. Brock reported student and staff attendance and summer work being completed by Lynn Rex.
Gym floor repairs will take place next week.
Mrs. Brock also reported that she will be attending the Leadership academy which will provide a good professional development opportunity, but will mean a few days out of school.
Mrs. Brock also reported there will be some painting going on in the office and conference room over the next week or so.

Executive Session---no executive session was needed at this time.

Adjourn –9:47 Brandon Klein made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Robert Potter seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0.


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