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breadcrumbs: Board of Education: breadcrumbs: Minutes: breadcrumbs: October


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Oct. Minutes

Clarksburg C-II School
Board of Education
Regular Meeting
October 19, 2011
7:30 p.m.

7:30 Establishment of Quorum
Members Present: John Arnold, Justin Martin, Brandon Klein, Gale Hodges, Matt Sutton, Robert Potter
Also Present: Renee Phillips, Paula Allison, and Wendy Brock
Members Not Present: Jo Cox

Call to Order- Meeting was called to order by President John Arnold.

Approve Agenda
A motion was made by Robert Potter with a second by Brandon Klein to accept the agenda with the additional of sub list under new business and the deletion of Special Education Compliance under new business. Motion carried 6-0.

Consent Agenda
Consent agenda was discussed. Motion was made by Justin Martin with a second by Gale Hodges to approve consent agenda. Motion carried 6-0.

Comment from Public and Patrons
Renee Phillips presented on behalf of the teachers. She talked about the Dome Theater which was enjoyed by the students. Kudos were given to the CSIA for the flower beds and the work they are doing. Parent Teacher conferences were discusses as upcoming events, along with Book Fair, Red Ribbon Week, Ty Payne guest performer/speaker and Family Night activities.

Old Business
Milk Cooler- Mrs. Brock is still checking on pricing for the milk cooler. One will be ordered as soon as last quotes are in.

New Business
Lunch Services- Carrie presented a report of the lunch services provided for the boards review and approval. Motion was made by Robert Potter with a second by Brandon Klein to approve the program as presented. Motion carried 6-0.

Substitute List- An updated substitute list was presented with the additional of Brenda Knipp. Motion was made by Justin Martin with a second by Gale Hodges to approve updated substitute list. Motion carried 6-0.

Website Host- Mrs. Brock reported that MU, the current host of the school web site, will no longer providing this service as of Dec. 2011. Therefore if the school wishes to continue to host a web site, we will have to move to another host. After discussion with the board on the use of the web site, it was decided to pursue finding a new host. At this point Mrs. Brock has checked with many sites and have found the SOCS site to the be most economical and user friendly. She still has one more to check out before a final decision will be made.

Superintendents Report
MFA Oil Foundation grant was approved. The grant money will be used to purchase an AED unit for the school.
Attendance for Aug. 95.5 %, Sept. 92.5%, and Oct. 91.9%. Overall for school  year is 92.2%
Family Night was discussed. Mrs. Brock encouraged members to attend if possible.

Executive Session- Executive session was entered at 8:16

Adjourn-9:00 returned to open session. Motion was made by Justin Martin with a second by Gale Hodges to adjourn. Motion carried 6-0.


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