October Board of Education Minutes
Clarksburg C-II School
Board of Education
Regular Meeting
October 17, 2012
6:30 p.m
6:30 Tax Rate Hearing
6:45 Establishment of Quorum
Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by President John Arnold.
Members present: John Arnold, Justin Martin, Gale Hodges, Jo Cox, Tawnya Clause and Robert Potter. Brandon Klein arrived shortly after roll call.
Also present: Renee Phillips, Kim Labuary, Matt Deleo, Howard Neely, Andrew Wells and Wendy Brock
Approve Agenda: Motion was made by Justin Martin with a second by Robert Potter to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
Presentation by Matt DeLeo and Howard Neely: Presentation was made by Matt and Howard surrounding the possibilities the school has for raising funds for possible building project. No action was required.
Comment from Public and Patrons: Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Labuary presented information to the board about the Bulldog Gazette which is being published by student in Dori Belchers class. Reading Buddies program has been established which is a program where Jr. High students are partnered with younger students to read. This is done on a weekly basis. Fall Festival is coming up. PTO purchased shirts for the entire student body, which was greatly appreciated. Mr. Rex has been busy decorating for Halloween. Garden is doing well. First graders made scare crows for the garden. Volleyball season is complete and basketball practice has started. Parent teacher conferences are coming up next week.
Consent Agenda: Consent agenda was discussed. Motion was made by Robert Potter with a second by Gale Hodges to approve consent agenda. Motion carried 7-0.
Old Business: No old business at this time.
New Business
Tax Rate: Robert Potter made a motion to set the tax rate at $3.5687 incidental and .7200 for debt service. Jo Cox seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0.
Superintendents Report:
Mrs. Brock presented current enrollment and attendance information.
PTO carnival has been planned and will take place on Nov. 3rd.
Parent teacher conferences are scheduled for Oct. 25th
Mary Pace is back to work following her shoulder surgery. Much sooner than I had anticipated.
Executive Session: was entered at 8:10.
Adjourn: Meeting return to open session at 8:40. Justin Martin made a motion to adjourn. Second was made by Brandon Klein. Motion carried 7-0.